A Rat's Health

 Rats live only about 2-3 years. In that time alot can go wrong. Rats are prone to many different problems. I will try to help you understand how to deal with your rats bieng sick. If you kneed to know "whats wrong?" go to:

http://www.peteducation.com/whats_the_matter.cfm. If you can't find it on there try to find it on http://www.animalhospitals-usa.com/small_pets/mice_rats_diseases_infections.html

 There are many things rats shouldn't eat that you wouldn't think twice about. To find a list go to The Don'ts.


Respitory Disease

 Small mammals are very prone to respitory disease.

Some symtoms are:

  • Trying very hard to breathe through their mouth
  • Bloody noses
  • Loss of appitite
  • Won't drink
  • Less energy

If you think your rat has this disease you should try to give them fresh air, clean their cage every day, and put a heating pad under their cage. You should also try to get them vitamins from a pet store.*



Tumors are not fatal but you should take your rat to a vet to get it removed. It is quite expensive, however.

 Some signs your rat has a tumor:

  • abnormal bulges
  • odd limp

If your rat has a tumor don't be too upset. As I said they are not fatal and rats can live with them for a while. If you rat's tumor shows signs of major growth, you may want to remove it before it worsens. If a tumor gets too large the rat may have problems getting to food and water, leading to a drop in their immune system.*



If your rat has had more than three tumors it may be prone to cancer. Cancer is usually fatal.

Signs of cancer:

  • Swollen belly
  • Lathargic

Cancer is a tragic disease. One of my rats  died of cancer a day before I came home from vacation. It may be one of the worst diseases your rat can get. If your rat developed cancer and is young, and has not had surgery more than once or twice you may have a chance to get it surgery. To help prevent both tumors and cancer you should get your rat spayed.*


Bumble Foot

Bumble Foot happenes when inflamation of the bottom surface of your rats foot creates red bumps. They tend to bleed alot.


  • Limps
  • Bumps on feet
  • Blood
  • Inflamed feet

It starts with a wound thta gets infected from soiled bedding. Another reason to clean your rats cage. Having to much area of wired cage can also lead to bumble foot. If your rat has signs of bumble foot see your vet as soon as posible. Check your rat regularly for signs as there is a better chance of it healing faster.*


Red Tears

You may notice some red stains around your rats eyes, nose, and sometimes front paws. This is not blood but is a type of ecretion that is usually shows when your rat is stressed. Don't worry its not harmfulll, but a stressed rat is not good. So pet them, play with them, or give them some sort of calming attention. 


 *I know you dont want the unthinkable to happen, but if your rat is old in most cases there may be nothing you can do for them.

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